Como Ningun Otro Lugar

11:45 AM

"They have our DIP!" I exclaimed, super shocked that the Chili's in Peru had the exact same queso/chili dip my husband and I love from the States.  I was speechless!  What tastes more like home than chips and dip?  And it was made exactly the way they make it in the states! It tasted identical! (Now that's unheard of! Everything I make here tastes at least slightly different.)  My husband and I each grabbed a chip and dug in! Yum!  

  It was our 1st wedding anniversary, and we spent it out on the town.  Nothing like exploring a huge city in a third world country.  You seriously never know what you might see.  It adds much excitement to our lives!  

 Celebrating by eating lunch at Chili's was a great idea!  We loved it!  As we were sitting there, we started looking back over the past year of our lives together, and the years before then.  We started talking about how good God had been to both of us.  We talked about the flow of our lives, and how God brought us together at just the right time, and in just the right way.  It was crazy to think that a year ago we were saying our vows, giving away our first kiss, and going on our honeymoon in the good old USA.  Our first year was a year unlike either of us had probably ever imagined.

  What would have happened, if one of us had chosen to go another way than the Lord was guiding?  What would we have missed, if one of us had chosen to do our own thing? It would have only taken one decision for either one of us, and we would have gone a down a completely different path.  Perhaps we might never have even met.  What if?  What if one of the times that Dan or I didn't understand what God was doing we gave up and quit on God.  Can you imagine everything we would have missed?  

   We both sat there smiling thinking about God's will.  It was perfect!  Sometimes we might not have understood it, it might not have always been what we "wanted" to do.  But at that moment, looking back, we both were able to see that there's no place like being in God's will. 

    Just then, I noticed the sign that filled the wall I was facing right there in the restaurant.  The wall is the picture I used above, "Como ningun otro lugar."  In English it means, "Like no other place." There is truly no other place like the will of God.  I wouldn't dream of doing anything else or living anywhere else.  Lima, Peru is God's perfect will for us.  God's perfect will - there's just no place like it! 

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  1. Dan and Heather: I always enjoy your blog posts. Read every one in fact. But this one was extra special. I have forwarded it to our ministerial staff at Central Baptist Church (Ponca City, OK). P.S. We love Chili's salsa and dip as well. Don't get it often enough either and we have a restaurant in town. Like you, we have to wait on "special occasions" which don't seem to come often enough! ha God bless you both in your work for the Lord!

  2. Mr. Byard,
    Thanks SO much for your encouraging words. They were a blessing to us. Haha, seems as if Chili's has all of us hooked. :)
    God Bless you!


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