Thoughts From a Wife's Heart

9:35 AM

  Almost two and a half months have passed since we first moved to Peru.  Moving is never easy...But God never promised life would be easy.  He promised He would never leave us, and that means more to me than anything else could.  Yes, we've had our trying moments.  We've had frustrating moments.  We've had sad moments.  I won't lie and say I've never cried myself to sleep at night.  I think every person hits those tough times, especially being so far away from loved ones.  But the joys God has given us, make every hard day worth it.
   How can I begin to describe how awesome it is, to have new believers in your home studying the Word of God with you?  How amazing is it to be able to see first hand the scales fall off their eyes as they see and understand the truth?  Is there anything as priceless as to watching them realize the truth, and the truth set them free?
   Being in Peru these past months have been for me, one of the ultimate highlights of my life.  I feel like I was born for this!
    There is nothing like seeing people get saved!  Since we've come here, in nearly every service we've seen people get saved.  There's nothing like the excitement of someone who gets saved and brings back another person to the next service so they can get saved.  Our people know now that if they bring someone to church, we will share the Gospel with them.  They love that!
    There is nothing like seeing new believers grow in the faith.  Sometimes the questions they ask are tough!  I look at my husband and wonder how he's going to explain that particular truth to them.  He patiently takes them to scripture and shows them why we believe what we believe.
   The other night, my husband taught our Bible study on prayer.  He literally got to teach them how to pray. They have really not ever embarked on the journey of prayer before.  They are used to reciting the vain rituals in church, and confessing to a man.  I thought it was so cool last night when they were telling Daniel about how they had started praying for their food.  "It's good to thank God for your food every time you eat, isn't it?"  "Yes" my husband would answer.  Then he explained to them why we pray before we eat.  "Because Jesus, before he broke the bread with his disciples looked up into heaven and thanked God for it.  We follow Jesus' model of praying."  "Oh, they would say."  Then Anita would tell my husband how she prayed for her little boy before he went to school each morning.  "I pray, God bless his lunch, and thank you for life and for breath that you give us.... Is that ok?" She would ask.  "Yes, of course."  My husband explained.  "God wants to hear from you all day long."
   It's moments like these that I think... Man! Look at what we get the privilege of doing! Seeing their zeal, and their fresh eagerness for God puts an incredible excitement in my heart to go and tell others about Jesus, so that they too can know the truth.
   Sometimes people ask me how I'm doing.  Sometimes I think people feel sorry for me, because I'm "on the mission field."  Please, don't feel sorry for me!  Yes, we do need your prayers, but I must confess, I LOVE my life! I have a beautiful home, an ocean in my back yard (now you know I'm spoiled!)  a wonderful (and very handsome) husband, a great church, and an Almighty God.  Life just doesn't get any better than this!

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  1. Sometimes, I think I can take praying -- talking to God -- for granted, but it is such a blessing! Even if it isn't easy at times, you do live such a joyful life. I am so happy for you. I'll keep praying for you two and the rest of the team!


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