What can I do? What can I do for God? I'm not good enough... I'm a sinner... I fail all the time... God could never use me... Truth is, we could all come up with plenty of excuses for serving God. Maybe some day, I'm just not ready yet... I don't really know if that's what God wants me to do. Maybe when I get older. Perhaps after I get out of college. Maybe when I have more time. I'm just not that type of person... The list goes on and on, and yet when we really face reality, anyone can serve God. It doesn't take some awesome college professor who has studied for 20 years to finally be able to teach the Bible, or share Christ with someone. Anyone can do it!
This is Logan Foust. He is 8 years old. Logan is the son of some missionaries on our team. He doesn't use any excuses for why he shouldn't serve God. Each week, he goes out with His family, passing out tracts. You never know the impact that one tract- just ONE, could make!
One Saturday morning, Logan was passing out tracts. He gave one to an older man named Miguel. The next day, Miguel came to church and got saved! Ever since then, Miguel has been faithfully attending our church, and has become a core member! Miguel was baptized several weeks ago. He was SO excited to get baptized!
It takes one person. One willing person, to see other's lives changed. One person, just like Logan. Let's get rid of all the excuses, and start getting the job done. All men everywhere are in desperate need of the gospel. We have the truth to tell them, why won't we go and tell?