Mouse Attack
11:07 AM
What's the only possible thing that's worse than being sick
in bed with the flu? Having a MOUSE in
your bedroom! I'm convinced... there's
nothing worse in the world than having your personal space invaded by a stinky
I woke up in the middle of the night (in between throwing up) to hear something scratching on our door. I thought at first that maybe it was one of the dogs that live on our roof. We often here them scratching around up there, running, barking etc. But this time, it was different! Several minutes later I woke again to hear more scratching. As I pulled myself out of bed, I caught a glimpse of the furry creature running across the floor. Immediately, I woke up my husband.
I woke up in the middle of the night (in between throwing up) to hear something scratching on our door. I thought at first that maybe it was one of the dogs that live on our roof. We often here them scratching around up there, running, barking etc. But this time, it was different! Several minutes later I woke again to hear more scratching. As I pulled myself out of bed, I caught a glimpse of the furry creature running across the floor. Immediately, I woke up my husband.
"BABE!" I had to have yelled, "There's a mouse!"
"What?" He asked, still half sleeping.
I couldn't believe it! Yuck!
The only thing that stinks more than running to the toilet to throw up
is having to watch out- lest you step on a rodent! Urg! I
forgot about the rodent mostly until the next afternoon.
I was laying in bed (still sick) and I heard
a scratching behind our bed. Paranoid, I
kept telling myself, Heather! Stop being ridiculous! I'm sure you're just imagining.
But I wasn't. Before I knew it,
the mouse flew across the room and behind my dresser in broad daylight. I was
scared out of my whits, and by this time I think my fever must have hit an all
time high. Before I could go back to watching my movie, I
noticed something jump on TOP of my dresser.
There it was! MOUSEY! How dare he invade my privacy and jump up on
my 3 foot dresser! I mean seriously, if
he could get on my dresser, he could climb on my bed! That would be aweful! "GET!" I screamed at the mouse with my most fiercest
scream ever. Then, I did what I think most girls would do. I called my husband, who was out working in
town. Why he couldn't jump through the
phone I don't know. But after freaking
out for 10 minutes, he was able to calm me down and encouraged me to leave the
room until he got home. I screamed and
grabbed a few of my precious belongings, (the ones I didn't want mousey to get)
and left the room.
That night, my husband had set several
traps and there was poison on the ground.
Surely we would be safe. Somehow,
my husband convinced me to go to bed in our room. That night, I didn't sleep well. I kept waking up in panic mode, looking for
mousey. At about 2am, I woke with a
start! As soon as I glanced I my husband's
pillow, I saw mousey scrambling less than 3 inches from his head! I almost died! Instead, however, I woke up Daniel who
sleepily went to turn the light on to try to find Mousey. After he had done a thorough search
throughout the room, He kindly told me we could sleep in the living room. And so, Mousey had won. We camped out in our living room. Not one night, but 2. It was horrid knowing that Mousey was in our
home. On one occasion, I grabbed some
toilet paper for the front bathroom, only to find a fourth of the roll
missing--compliments of tooth marks from Mousey.
Finally, yesterday we sacrificed a little bit of our precious Peanut Butter. (It was a gift to us, and is very special here in Peru.) Daniel put it on two of our sticky traps and yesterday when we got home, guess what Daniel found? MOUSEY! He was stuck in the trap! Daniel took him outside and gave him to the doggies! Mousey is history, and we are back to living our "normal lives." I think that's what we call them that is :-)
Finally, yesterday we sacrificed a little bit of our precious Peanut Butter. (It was a gift to us, and is very special here in Peru.) Daniel put it on two of our sticky traps and yesterday when we got home, guess what Daniel found? MOUSEY! He was stuck in the trap! Daniel took him outside and gave him to the doggies! Mousey is history, and we are back to living our "normal lives." I think that's what we call them that is :-)
Yikes! You have my complete and total sympathy, Heather. I get grossed out enough by cockroaches.