Bury My Heart

12:49 PM

If I thought before that I lived in a third world country, I had forgotten.  Until I went to Alto Peru last week, that is.  We had been told it was a dangerous area of town, but had decided to go up anyways and to go in groups.  Thankfully, several people who attend our church regularly had already made friends in this area.  So while trying to talk to people there, we could simply ask them if they knew Fivos, Andres, or Patti.  When they did, it was almost as if you could visibly see the barrier wall fall down. My Americanized mind almost didn't know what to do when we arrived at the "park": a 10 by 10 ft cement slab in the middle of their area.  There were small children everywhere, covered in dirt.  Their clothes were messy and worn, and I thought, "This really is the mission field, isn't it?"  As I stood there looking around, I saw a mother standing in the doorway of a house nearby and I went over to talk to her.  I introduced myself.  As I did, I noticed little children running around the room behind her.  They were just as dirty as the kids outside.  I saw the bare, dirty room, and the completely trashed furniture and wondered how this lady did it.  God gave me the wonderful opportunity of leading her to Christ, and I was excited to tell her that we would be coming back to the area each week.

We began walking down the streets. These streets are not perhaps exactly what you would imagine.  They were very narrow, actually I don't know if a real car could fit down some of them.  They were made of brick.  Buildings on both sides of the road were run down, and graffiti was everywhere.  We continued walking down the road, meeting people.  It's always a big deal when I walk down any street, because I'm a foreigner.  People just stopped, starred, and watched us; wondering why we were in their neighborhood.  Why were we there?  To share Jesus.  

One week later, we returned to the same neighborhood in order to start a ministry for teenagers. We once again walked down the same streets, as well as a few new ones- this time more confidently.  The people who now knew us greeted us with smiles, happy to see us.  We stopped and talked to every person we could, inviting them to church and looking for opportunities to share Christ with them.  We also invited the teenagers out to the court to play dodge ball. Around one, we met back at the park, gathered up some teenagers and headed out to the court.  Other groups of people met us there, and I was thrilled to see the large group of people who came!  It was awesome!  We gathered everyone together and our activity began.  
Daniel, welcoming the group that came out for the activity. 

I think I fell in love with every little child I met... See the little dirt smudges on their faces?  I just want to take them home and give them a warm bubble bath and some clean clothes!  Several of the children had snot running down their faces, and warts on them.  Ah, my heart aches for them.  At first I was a little stand off-ish.  (Yes, embarressing to admit) but by the end of our short time with them, I was on the ground, hugging and kissing them, rubbing their greasy dirty hair, and letting them give me kisses.  The boy on the skateboard in the picture to the left is actually mute.  He was adorable communicating with me.  He kept pointing and showing me numbers to beg to play the way he wanted.

After the games, Daniel preached to them and shared the gospel.  Shortly thereafter, he broke the kids up into groups so we could personally explain the Gospel to them.  

At that point, I was over teaching the little kids a made up version of Duck Duck Goose, which I used the two profound Spanish words, "eeee, and Yah" to play. When I heard my name called I walked back over to find all the ladies and girls waiting on me.  I quickly jumped into the plan of salvation.  The girls listened intently as I shared the most beautiful story ever heard~ about God's amazing love.  

As you can see above me, many of our teenage boys are talking one on one or one on three to explain the Gospel to the guys that came.

As we walked away that day, we conversed with our teenagers about all that had happened in just the past several hours.  God had once again done a miracle!  27 people in all had received Christ as their personal Savior. I have never seen anything like it!  God once again amazed me!

Although we had just been there a few hours and barely met these people, I felt like I was walking away from people who had become very dear to me.  I didn't want to say goodbye.  A whole week before I could see them again?  Are you kidding?

I left a big piece of my heart with them....  Oh, that I might spend and be spent for the cause of Christ.

Alto Peru, 
Bury my heart... 

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