My Girls
10:19 AM
Our First Sunday at Pinos was a great success!! So exciting in fact, that I am going to dedicate my whole next blog to it. But first, I must share about two precious girls who we've been able to see God change these past two months. For those of you who read The Chef, (my previous post) you already know Camila, and her story. Above is a picture of her being baptized at our church on our first Sunday at our new church location. She had told me on Saturday that she couldn't come to church because she had another class, but that she could come after 12 to be baptized. I was shocked when she walked in to Sunday School that morning at 10:20 (really, 20 minutes late is pretty good on a Peruvian clock... they have this thing about being late here. :)) I was thrilled, because that week was my first time to teach the girls. I enjoyed teaching them about God's love, and about how special they are to Him!
We have about 5 girls who have become our "core" girls. Most the time they all come for Saturdays, and then Sundays for services. Sunday School is sometimes missed though, so you can imagine my happiness when all 5 of them showed up on the day I would get to teach them. We had a very special time that day! After Sunday school, we walked over for the morning service. We had a great service and afterwards, Camila and Carmela got baptized.
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Carmela getting baptized |
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Camila getting baptized |
It was a glorious moment! I stood at the back clapping and cheering for the both of them. Just at that moment, one of the men from our team came over. He and his family have just recently come to Peru to work with our team. He looked at me and asked in English, "Are those your girls?"
"Yes," I said, as I thought about it a moment... "Those are my girls."
Now I know it's a whole team effort to get these young ladies involved in church and having a whole team is a beautiful thing. I don't pretend for a moment that these girls are only in church because of me. I know it's because of the influence of many that they have come to know Christ. But the moment he asked me, it hit me in a funny way as I thought about it. Yup, those are my teenagers that just got baptized. How exciting is that? I smiled with happiness as I congratulated both of them afterwards. The first step to following Christ is an important one. It is my prayer and hope that in the future these girls will always have a church full of people that love them, that they will know that God loves them, and that they will remember that someone who loves them very much will always think of them fondly as "My Girls."
Carmela's on the left, and Camila on the right |
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