
Spring Work!

8:33 AM

There's just something about Spring Break that makes you want to change something, clean, remodel, or do  something different, right?  Maybe it's the fact that my in-laws completely redid their kitchen, or maybe it's because we're just ready to have our own house, but something inspired my husband last week that we should re-do his sister's bedroom.  She's off at college, but we wanted to do something nice for her, so we decided to paint her room!  This did include redoing her dresser and desk but we took on the challenge.  

Of course it went off exactly as planned, no accidents, no spilled paint, no messes!  Okay, maybe not..... I guess if you count only once that the dog got into the paint..... and walked all over the room with bright blue paws....and through the hallway....and into the kitchen.... it wouldn't sound so bad, right?  Unless you saw me scrubbing the floors that is.  :)

Of course when my husband and mom had painted the kitchen cabinets, we wouldn't have left them out on the porch overnight... only to wake up in the middle of pouring rain and a horrible storm to realize our cabinets were soaked!

Of course my husband remembered to shut the moon roof on our car the same night it poured and poured rain! 

And of course when I was cleaning up after we had almost finished everything, I wouldn't have carried the tarp over my head to knock the paint pan onto the floor....allowing the paint to spill everywhere.... let's just say I got very acquainted with the carpet that day....
But through it all, we prevailed!  Here are a few pics!  Enjoy! 

The dresser and desk- before

The white walls- before :) 

The dresser- after

The new look

After thing were put back :)


When I Grow Up

12:38 PM

This morning, my husband was asked to preach at chapel for Bailey's Grove Christian Schools.  I was excited to get to go along.  I love hearing my husband preach!  I'm always amazed at the many ways God is uses him.  He preached a great message to the Jr High and High School concerning profit.  "What are you giving back to God?" Was the main theme.  Heart were convicted and the altar was flooded as these young people humbly sought the face of God.  I love seeing the Holy Spirit working in our lives!

After chapel we were asked to stay for lunch with the kids.  As we were walking out of chapel a young lady named Megan walked up to me with a huge grin on her face.  "Hi!" She blurted out. "Are YOU his WIFE?"  She asked, as if that was the greatest thing ever.  "I AM." I replied, totally excited to claim him as my husband. (It is, by the way, the best thing ever :))  "Wow!" she said.  "You're missionaries, aren't you?"  she asked in amazement.  "Yes, we are." I excitedly answered. "I want to be a missionary when I grow up." She proudly told me.  I happily told her that all my life, I wanted to be a missionary and go to the mission field, and now God was making my dream come true.  I also got to share about how God brought Daniel into my life, and gave him the exact same passion so we could go to the mission field together.  I got to tell her that God could make her dreams come true.  He has mine!

Later on, after we had visited with a number of kids and eaten lunch in the cafeteria, we were about to leave and my husband was talking to the principal.  A shy 7th grade girl walked up to me and whispered, "Can I ask you a question????"  "Of course," I whispered back.  She motioned for me to walk to the corner of the room where no one else could hear. I followed her, and when I got there she looked up at me, and asked, "How do you know if you are called by God?"  I did my best to explain to her, and share that God is able to use anyone who is willing, all we have to do is give Him our all, and He'll use us.  She smiled and said "thanks!"  She turned and hurried away to class as she whispered in her precious little voice, "Someday, I want to be a MISSIONARY!" 


The Path of Life

12:00 PM

Recently I read Psalm 16:7-9, "I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons..  I have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.  Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope."

I began to meditate and study these verses. (My favorite way to study right now is with my Bible, Journal, and Ipod.  Now before you jump on me for using electronics, I must explain.  There's nothing like having a Bible, Greek Lexicon, and concordance in one little device as small as my phone!  It's especially wonderful for the car!)  The verse says, "my reins also instruct me in the night seasons."  Reins?  What could reins be?  May I suggest standards, commitments, or desicions?  My decisions to do what is right instruct me in the "night seasons,"  those times when I don't understand why something is happening.  The times when I don't understand why, I ought to stand by the standards, decisions, and commitments I've previously made. 

I've had a time like this recently... Several months ago, we found out that our team wasn't leaving the country till June.  When my husband first told me this, I had a really hard time.  I'd already been looking forward to leaving in April for months.  I'd been "holding on" to April first for a long time... waiting for that day... and now, it wasn't coming.  I guess I could have been rebellious and left for Peru on April 1st, regardless of what any of my authorities said (as dumb as that sounds) .... but because when I was young, I set up standards and commitments to obey my authorities, I chose to accept what my authorities said.  I made the decision to "always set the Lord before me," (vs. 8) trusting Him regardless of how I felt. I can truly say that although I may not understand now, I know that God has a plan in all of this- His timing is so much better than mine! So I can say with David, "my heart is glad, and my soul rejoiceth." I am "resting in hope" as David said.  Hope in what?  Hope in that God is my all wise Father, and He's taken perfect care of my since the day I was born.  Hope in that He's proved Himself to be faithful every day of my life, and I can have hope (confidence, security, assurance) in what He will do in my future.  

Do you know how chapter 16 ends?  With one of my favorite verses of all time... and it ties these verses to an end perfectly:  Ps. 16:11-"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore." 


Pleasant Surprises

8:00 AM

It was 5:15pm, Wednesday, March 7th, 2012.  Our missions conference started in 45 minutes.  We were checking into our hotel, to change quickly and head over to the church.  Through some complications of our hotel reservations, the receptionist began listing the names of the missionaries who were staying in the hotel.  Then I heard the name, "Bob Bowen".  My mouth dropped!  Bro. Bowen is here?  I thought????  My husband looked at me, like 'what in the world just happened to you'?  "The Bowen's are here!" I exclaimed.  "He's my hero and they're missionaries in Thailand!  But they're.... HERE!"  Just a few moments later, Bro. and Mrs. Bowen came into the hotel lobby.

It was 2007.  I lived in Guadalajara, Mexico at an orphanage.  I was a single girl, serving God where He had placed me.  During the time I was there, Bro. Bowen came down to Guadalajara and preached at a missions conference for my Pastor at the time, Missionary Robert Murillo. The missions conference was such a blessing to me personally.  I was struggling with homesickness and trying to learn a new culture.  Then God sent me a white man. :-)  It was refreshing to my soul to hear Bro. Bowen preach in English. While he down in Mexico, he asked me to sign my name in the back of his Bible.  I had never signed anyone's Bible before, so I was excited that He wanted me to sign.  As I was signing his Bible he told me that he was going to pray for me.  He was going to pray that God would send me a Godly husband so we could serve God together.  I felt very special that he would be pray this specifically for me. 

It's 2012.  We were standing in the hotel lobby.  There in the flesh was Bro. Bowen's answer to prayer- my husband.  We told them that we were on deputation, and headed to the mission field of Peru.  I was thrilled to introduce the Bowen's to Daniel.  It was awesome to think that standing before us was my husband, Bro. Bowen's answer to prayer!  

I am continually amazed at the goodness of God!  He never fails.  He gives us the desires of our hearts beyond our wildest dreams! 

Bro. and Mrs. Bowen and I at the missions conference this week 

To Bro. Bowen:Thanks for praying for me and believing that God wanted to do something great with my life.  My husband and I are happily married now, because of your prayers; and can't wait to serve the Lord together in Peru!


I am Loved!

1:44 PM

Several weeks ago in our many travels, my husband dropped me off at Bojangles to grab our lunch, while he filled the car with gas.  It was one of those long days in the car, and I needed a little lift.  As my husband dropped me off, I asked him what he wanted to eat.  He told me, and then said, "If the Lord wills, you might get me a boberry biscuit too!  Of course the Lord wills, I thought!  Boberry biscuits are the BEST!  I went inside, went through the line, and ordered our meal.  As I was waiting on the meal and filling our drinks, I realized I forgot to order the boberry biscuits! As the lady handed me the food to go, I told her I had forgotten the boberry biscuits, and asked if she could add them to my total.  Just as I was pulling out my wallet, the manager walked by and said, "Don't worry about it- they're on the house today!"  I was so excited and couldn't believe their kindness.  This was a for sure sign that God wanted to give us the boberry biscuits! I thanked the lady who added the biscuits to my bag of food, and ran outside to jump in the car where my husband was waiting.  I was so excited to tell him about how God wanted us to have the boberry biscuits!  As I told him, I opened the box- and this is what I found!  

I believe God wanted us to have those biscuits- and not only that, He wanted to remind me of His love for me!  What a kind God!  I'm so glad He cares about every detail of our lives!  By the way, if you've never tried Bojangles, it's a definite must! 

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