Where are the dreamers?

8:50 AM

I sat in my chair, sipping my coffee and reading this amazing book, the Book of life, the Word of God.  And as I did, I came across this incredible passage… 

Matthew 20:29-34 And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him.
 And, behold, two blind men sitting by the wayside, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you?
They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened.
So Jesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

So, here we find two men.  Two blind men.  Their needs were obvious.  If anyone had asked, they would be told… we want to receive our sight!  Up to this point in their lives, for some reason God´s perfect plan for these two men was that they be blind.  Perhaps they had tried remedies before, and simply none had worked… They received a very difficult NO to their wish.  

I began to think of the No´s I´ve recieved in my life.  No one likes for anyone to tell them no, and somehow even when God does, it´s not always easy to receive His no.  How many of us have NO´s in our lives?  Death, a miscarriage, infertility, relationships gone wrong and no way to recover them... Hopes, dreams, desires we think would be really good--  and yet God said NO.  

God says no, it takes a while to receive His no.  We want to ask questions, ¨What? Why? Why not?  What´s so wrong about this?¨ Sometimes we even gain a perspective of God being cruel to us.  I walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and trust me, it´s taken a while to come to the point of realizing that God´s NO isn´t because he wants to be cruel to us, or even sometimes because we´ve done something terribly wrong. 

Not only had these two men faced their own heartbreak of being blind and never being normal to the world, but the Bible also says that as soon as the men tried to cry out to Jesus, the multitude rebuked them!!!  Have you ever had someone rebuke you for doing what is right?  Have people ever criticized you, saying all manner against you falsely?  Perhaps you weren’t doing anything wrong, and yet… There was a crowd of people who rebuked and criticized you… Please remember that you and I- we live for an audience of One.  He knows our name, He knows our heart: live for HIM.  Live to please Him.  Please, friend, don´t get lost in the criticism, just wait!  Jesus is coming! 

These two men impress me because they didn’t let the rebuke persuade them! They ¨cried the more¨ the Bible says!!!! And then I love seeing what Jesus does next.  He stands still, calls them to him and says basically, ¨What would you like?¨  

Here are these two men, they finally get to Jesus and Jesus asks them what it is they want!  What an opportunity! What a chance!!!! The next verse, they clearly make their petition to God.  ¨Lord, that our eyes may be opened.¨  

Jesus has compassion on them, touches their eyes and immediately, IMMEDIATELY they received what they asked for!  

Perhaps we´ve grown to the point in our walk with God to receive God´s ´no´ in our life.  ¨And if not, then God is still good.¨ And we repeat it over and over and over to ourselves.  ¨God is good, God is good, God is good.¨  

But can I ask you a question?  If Jesus came by your home today and asked you ¨What will ye that I shall do unto you?¨ What would you answer? What would you dare to bring before Him in petition? Will you dare to ask Him for something more? Will you dare to dream again?  

Don’t you think God ever gets tired of the way we settle in our lives?  Hurt happens, hearts break… we learn to accept the no, but what if, what if God came by asking you again what you would dream for? Dare to ask Him to do?  When was the last time we dared to dream God could give our church 100 souls saved? 1000 souls saved? 100 down the aisle?  10 baptisms? Change a family? Move in a husband’s heart?  Convert a lost sinner?  Are you willing to be vulnerable again, believe again in His almighty power, and ask Him for something more?

I don´t know about you, but I began to dream again.  This passage is changing my prayer life.  If the only thing God did for you today is what you prayed for this morning…. what would He do for you? 
Have you listened too much to the naysayers?  ¨God will never heal you, God could not possibly use you, who are you anyways?¨  Have you let the critic affect your heart to the point of breaking you?  Why don´t you look up once again and see that God is the God Almighty, who ever waits to hear you pray?  The One who loves you unconditionally, with a love that never ceases, never ends? Are you living for an audience of One?

Will you dare to dream again?  Will you ask Him what He wants to do?  Will you offer your all once again at His feet, stay in His story and endeavor to live one more day for His glory?

I ponder... What more can God do through home? my ministry? my church?  The nations, when will they bow before Him?  This pagan Peruvian place…. Could we become a country that would love God and serve Him?  My teens, could they become adults who love Him with every fiber in their being and are willing to give up anything to follow Christ?  This precious people I’m privileged to serve, will they become a people who too will beg God for something more?
And you?  What will you dare to dream, dare to beg God for?  Be careful... He might just answer you and make your dreams come true.  

One Broken Heart

9:28 AM

Image result for broken heart

We halt and holler “anything but this!  Anything but this mire, this fire.”  Everything within wants to fight as we face the fierce. We plead, “God, you couldn’t have picked a different trial?”  We accuse,  “You couldn’t have chosen to ‘mess’ up someone else’s world instead?” We beg, “Not this! Anything but this letter of divorce, this death of a loved one, this abuse in marriage, these children left abandoned, this injustice…”

And yet suffering is all around us.  We see it perhaps daily, or sometimes  many times a day.  Why God?  Why would you allow such an ugly thing in our lives?  Isn’t what we want most days just to live happily in peace and enjoy life?  Isn’t it our tendency to long for the easy, the peace, the joy and if we’re really honest… just kinda hope to somehow eventually live happily ever after?

Hearts are broken in ten thousand ways, for this is a heart-breaking world; and Christ is good at healing all manner of heart-breaks. —CHARLES SPURGEON

Hearts are broken and at times we find ourselves in the depths of despair, tears of terror, frightened in fear, stuck with scars in silence, too mortified to move, numb to the nightmare, dumbed in disbelief. 
“Someone tell me I’m dreaming, or please for goodness sake—- Wake me up!”

Not THIS, God. 

“God, I don’t want a broken heart!  I feel like you have taken me, my one whole heart, and crushed it to powder.  How can
this be good?  How can this be refining?”

Psalm 85:12 says, ¨Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; our land shall yield her increase.¨ 

I wrote this verse to my fiancé one day, when I felt like the Lord was being particularly good to me.  He responded with 6 words I'll never forget.  “Ever, only, that which is good.”  Think about that with me again for a moment and say it slowly: Ever, only, that which is good.  Tears stung in my eyes as I tried to rectify how my painful past could somehow be 'only' good.   How can it be, that God only gives us that which He believes is only good? We may not see it as anything remotely close to ‘good’ at the time… but our thoughts, are not His.  He sees the full picture, the whole plan which we cannot even fathom. 

My mom used to make home-made bread.  Wheat must be ground in order to be useful in bread.  Have you seen wheat go through a grinder?  Ground to powder?  If we didn’t know the powder was a useful flour, we might be tempted to think we were ‘destroying the wheat’ in order to find it's most valuable use.

You might feel like God is ‘destroying’ your whole heart.  But what if breaking your heart is actually His ever-loving hand remolding and remaking you to be the one precious diamond He desires?  What if His dreams are better for you than you can even imagine What if He really did know what He is doing? Did I just write that? Absolutely… because sometimes, isn’t it a little too easy to forget that He does know and control every detail of our lives?

What if coming to the end of yourself— your crushed broken heart— is really the beginning of knowing and truly experiencing Christ?  Many times, we don't know how much we truly need God until we find the pieces of our crushed heart in a heap on the floor.

Ann Voskamp says, “It’s not that your heart isn’t going to break; it’s how you let the brokenness be made into abundance afterward.”

You and I— don’t get to choose or control the hurt that somehow plunges into our lives without warning, but we do get to choose
how we respond
to the heartbreak.

What if pain can be a gift?  A blessing?  We wince at the thought.  
We want to lash out angrily. “Don't you dare tell me God is still in control!”

I know, once upon a time I too, hurt too badly to move.  Paralyzed, caught, struck— too scared to do a thing knowing no matter what you do next there will be more hurt?  Yes.  More pain than I can imagine?  Most definitely.  

But what does God desire?  Why does He allow our hearts to be crushed and broken?

I believe He wants us.  You, me, all of us.  He wants our trust, He wants our confidence.  Even in this fire?  Through this trial? But… I don’t LIKE this!  No one does, but maybe this brokenness is His way of getting us to take our one broken heart and offer it to Him as a gift, our gift to Him. 



8:14 AM

Want to re-learn gratitude for all you have ever had? I might suggest you spend the weekend with someone who has lost it- I mean all of it, and you will for sure be thanking Him again.  

The longer I live the more I am convinced that the key to happiness is not found in fulfilling my own wants and wishes, but rather in loving God through serving and loving others.  This basically looks like a daily giving myself away.  Perhaps put into spiritual terms: dying to self and living to Him?


This weekend, I had the highest honor of getting to know a precious couple.  They are in their mid-thirties and have two boys, ages fourteen and five.  This family of four has traveled across three countries on a bus for 6-7 days straight.  While having a home, car, and belongings in Venezuela, coming to Peru means they lose everything and have to completely start over in this thing we call life.  Venezuela is in dark days.  Thousands and thousands are having to flee the country.  They mentioned to me the only food available was rice and cheese.  After months and months of instability: the dollar changing in value various times daily, no security (they kill for a wedding ring), crazy government and little order, imagine packing a suitcase and leaving everything you have ever known to start all over again. 

Last week, Sharon told me she needed a job.  When I asked her profession she told me, "Here they tell me I am only good for ironing, cooking, and cleaning…" Her voice trailed off.
"No," I asked again,  "What is your profession?"  It does not matter to me how many times others may take advantage of the myriads of Venezuelans who are here and willing to work 12-14 hours days for below average pay.  I'd rather know what she's been trained for to see if we can get her a good job.

She then dared to smile and told me she does business administration.  

Due to the insurmountable numbers of Venezuelans in Perú, with an employment rate already quite low in the country, these dear people are fighting for their lives.  They found a one-room bedroom to rent- way up on top of the mountain for a little less than $100 US dollars a month.  To them, this is the best they can do.  They have nothing: only the bags with which they crossed the borders.  One small room, one light bulb, water in the bathroom, and their few belongings is how they make do today.

Sharon told me, "You know it is one thing to trust God when you have things and say you would trust Him no matter what.  It is a whole different thing to trust Him day to day when you literally have nothing, I mean, nothing."   I have never seen a happier person alive. 

Yesterday she said, "You know, I’m just grateful we get to have this moment together.  I am grateful for my husband and my two boys, that we get to be in church."

Today she spoke of abundance.  ¨It´s one thing to have it all,¨ She stated.  ¨It is another thing to lose it all and have someone give something to you.  All of a sudden, abundance is not the amount of things you have.  It is that one grain of rice you get to hold in your hands.  That is abundance because you look to God and say 'Thank you for THIS.'" I sat and stared at her, tears filling my eyes at this display of true gratitude towards her Father.  She left today with two bags full of kitchen utensils and food my roommate and I scrambled around the house to give away. 

My roommate gave a teddy bear to Sharon's 5 year old.  Sharon giggled with glee as she held the teddy bear up to her little boy and helped him name it: Teddy, no Rigoberto, no Eduardo, no Pedro.  I suppose when you have one teddy bear, you can give it as many names as you like!

I reached for my winter scarves and couldn't decide which to give her, so I took her mine and had her pick. 
¨Which do you want?¨ I asked.
¨Which one's your favorite?¨ She asked me, not wanting to pick that one.

 ¨No way.¨ I told her.  ¨You get to pick!¨ She squealed with delight as I handed her the one she picked as she bragged about how gorgeous the color was.  She put it on immediately and wore it the rest of the night.  

Perhaps abundance is not found in the number of things we have, but instead the heart of gratitude we have for what's been given.  Perhaps happiness isn't found in the abundance of things, but rather in how much we can give ourselves away. 

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