Bring on the New Year!
6:40 PM
Happy New Years Everyone!!
We had one of the BEST New Year's Celebrations I've ever had. Many of our church people labored all day long to get our brand new property ready for our New Years Eve Party. In just one day they were able to put up a tarp and hang lights. We still have a long ways to go as far as construction, but we thoroughly enjoyed being together as a church at this new property!
This is Zach, our preacher's son, showing you how big the new property is! |
Following the singing, we jumped into the games. Daniel worked with Preacher to set up some awesome games for a night full of fun!
Following the games, we had a huge buffet of all kinds of Peruvian food! I even ventured out to make a Peruvian dish called "Aji de Gallina." I was super scared about how it would turn out, especially because the Peruvians know how their food should taste, but they said it was good- and they're a very honest people, so I think I'll believe them!
After eating, we had a time of testimonies. It was so neat to hear so many of our people share about the change God has made in their lives this year. It makes any little sacrifice we may have made to come to this country totally worth it!
These are two of the sweet families that have come to know Christ this year! We've seen God do miracles in them!
After our testimonies and a short challenge from Preacher, we all counted down the seconds till the new year. Even minutes before, firecrackers were going off! Once it was midnight, firecrackers exploded all over the city! We didn't know which way to look because there were so many beautiful firecrackers everywhere. It sounded like a battlefield! At midnight, all the Peruvians go around to each other and wish each other a Happy New Year through their customary greeting, usually a kiss on the cheek. We greeted each one of the dear people God has put in our life this year, and then walked out to the street to watch the firecrackers for about another half hour. It was an awesome celebration!
I can't help but think of how blessed we have been this past year. God brought us safely to a new country, gave us a church and a people to serve. He's provided every single thing we've needed on this journey of faith. As we head into the new year, we're excited with what awaits us! Only God knows the miracles He will do in our lives this year.
Happy New Year!