A Glance at our Mother's Day
8:17 AM
Teaching teenagers to obey, honor and respect authority is one thing. Preaching at them the truths from God's Word is also very important. But actions are worth a thousand words. Perhaps that's why we had such a great time honoring the sweet ladies and mothers at our church yesterday. My husband planned it up big! He asked all the teens to wear their very best. For some of the guys, this meant wearing their only suit. For others, it meant renting a suit, and then a few got to borrow theirs from Bro. Dan. All of them looked super sharp, and did a great job honoring the moms! Our young men stood at the entrance of the church, and escorted the moms into church.

Our young men stood at the entrance of the church, and escorted the mothers into church.
Our young men stood at the entrance of the church, and escorted the mothers into church.
There, the young ladies greeted each lady and put a corsage her.
God has been doing great things here in Lima, Peru. Our church plant in San Gabriel has their Sunday morning service at the exact same time as we do, and they had 31 people in attendance. At the main church we had 130 attending yesterday morning, and 8 people got saved.
We also had a special service last evening. Bro Ezekiel Martinez will be starting our fourth church this coming Sunday, May 19th in Surco. The men of our church came up to the front, laid hands on him and prayed for him as he begins this new church next week.
Please pray for this new work as it begins next weekend. We are thrilled to see all God is doing here in Peru! One thing Preacher talked about yesterday, was how amazing it is that last year this time, none of this existed! In less than a year's time, God has given us a strong church here in Lima that has already started 3 other churches. None of this would be possible without your prayers.
I think my all time favorite part of the day was during the invitation that night. While I was given a visitor to whom I was to witness, I was also asked to train another new member how to witness while witnessing. (Makes perfect sense, right?) So after I shared the gospel with the visitor who confirmed she was saved, I was able to teach this new member how to witness to another. She wanted to know so badly how to share the gospel with another that I felt like she was holding on to every word. She took notes in her little book, and wrote things down as fast as she could.
At the end, I asked her if she had any other questions. "No" She said, "I'm going to go home and study every one of these verses, then come back and talk to you next week."
"Sounds great!" I told her.
"So I can just take everything you taught me, and this tract and go tell my family about Jesus?"
"Of course!" I said.
"I can?" She asked, in disbelief that it could really be that simple.
"Yes!" I eagerly responded.
"Thank you so much. When I see my first soul saved, I will remember you, and come thank you with a heart full of gratitude," She told me with a tear in her eye.