A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of praying with a lady from my home church. They minister to troubled kids through their ranch. They teach children about caring for horses, and at the same time share Jesus with them. She told me that they were praying the Lord would provide hay for their horses. I suppose once you have so many horses, hay can become quite expensive. She shared that they had been praying and God had brought them hay several times. I decided to take her prayer request seriously, and asked God to give them more hay. In fact, every time I saw hay (which happens to be quite frequently in Oklahoma) I would pray that God would give their family hay. I saw her and her husband several days ago, and was so excited to hear about how things were going that I blurted out, "Do you have hay?" as soon as I saw them! I told them I had been praying for it every time I saw hay. She smiled as her husband looked at me and said, "yes!" They had just recently received a phone call from a man who told them that he had hay for them. He told them he would bring them 2 bails a day, and then whenever they needed more he would bring it over!
What's so thrilling about hay? Not much, but I love the awesome God who made the hay, and is willing to listen to a simple person like me. :) Just a simple request from one girl in this world, and the great God of heaven chose to answer. Wow! What a God!! Now every time I see hay, I'm gonna thank God for hay!