Enjoying the Journey
10:02 AM
Deputation! We’ve heard so many things about that word, including the question: What is deputation? Deputation is a simple word for traveling around the country presenting our work in churches in hopes that churches will catch the vision for our mission, and either prayerfully or financially support us in that mission.
Deputation for me? Is the journey God has me on today. People ask, Where do you live? I say, wherever God has me on that day. Home? It’s where my husband is for the moment. I guess practically speaking you could say our home is our sweet lil red honda civic, and yet- there’s so much more to a home than even our car can contain.
How many people have the opportunity to travel the country and sight see? Not many, and with deputation, we get to! I heard of one family calling their deputation, depuvacation- putting the words deputation and vacation together. I believe it’s true tho- with an positive outlook on everything you get to do, deputation can be a whole lot of fun!!
My personal favorite part is that I get to spend all day long with my husband! I never have to say good-bye. Aren’t I spoiled??? I am, I really am. Whenever I think about us having a long car drive, I always remind myself- Heather, you get to spend the whole day with the Love of your life! How many people would love to have the whole day with their love?
Finally, deputation is a season. It’s a once in a life opportunity we have to travel around to different churches, and share with them the burden God has given us to reach South America. What a gift! At times I do get anxious to have my own place, a house where my husband and I can relax and share, but until then, I’m determined to enjoy the journey! - Heather
You are blessed! But greater than that, you are a blessing. I pray that this season would be a joyful time for you both.