Recipe for Prayer

11:27 AM

Prayer is one of the most powerful yet simplest acts of the Christian Life. The Bible admonishes us to, "Pray without ceasing." But, to be honest, how many of us find ourselves caught up with the every day business of life that we don't put the time or focus into praying. Some people talk of "your prayer life", but we don't even have a prayer time. Here are some simple steps to help you in your praying throughout your

Adoration: Praise "...Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name..."

God wants to hear you praise Him. He likes it when you tell Him how powerful, smart, and strong He is. Ok, wives you all know that your husband has an ego. You know that confident smirk he gets when you start to brag on his big muscles (even if they're not) and his handsome face. He eats that stuff up. God is no different. He loves to hear you praise him. Even if its just a phrase before you cook dinner; or a comment after a long hard day in the office; or some recognition after you turned that assignment in on time. It doesn't matter when He just wants to hear you praise Him.

Submission: His Way "...Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven..."

God likes it when you recognize how smart he is. He created you. He designed you. And He knows what is best for you. When you take time out of your day to recognize His wisdom, He enjoys that. Every situation that is confusing or frustrating at times is a design of God by His wisdom. Part of faith is trusting God knows what he is doing even when the circumstances seems disastrous. Welcome God's will in your life, whether life is going great or your are in the middle of something difficult. Trust and acknowledge His will.

Provision: Needs "...Give us this day our daily bread..."

How good we often times are at this one. Many times we have no problem telling God what our needs are, but let me draw out one point: daily. God has no desire for us to worry about the future for He is very in control. He says, "Pray for those daily needs that you have, and trust that I can provide today." Don't worry about what the future holds. Trust God for your today! That raise, relationship, or retirement will come in
God's time. Be content in the today.

Confession: I Forgive "...And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors..."

Those two words that seem to get stuck in the back of everyone's throat: I'm sorry. Hard to say, but sweet to hear; I'm sorry keeps every relationship vibrant and alive. Your relationship with God is no exception. It's interesting though that God says that He will forgive you according to how you forgive others. I have harder words for you: I forgive you. God wants you to keep an open line with Him. "Nothing between my soul
and the Savor..." the song writer wrote. But how is your forgiveness to others? God's watching.

Protection: Safety "...And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:..."

Do you have kids that are scared of the dark? Thank God for those little inventions called night lights. Its amazing how a little bit of light can comfort the trembling soul. God says in His Word to pray for "light" in your life. For where light is present darkness flees. How many car accidents have been avoided because of a 15 second prayer of safety? How many injuries have been missed because of a praying mother for
her kids? God's protection is everywhere, and He commands us to pray for the light.

Recognition: Honor "...For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever, Amen."

Often times little children like to parade around mommy and daddy's knees with a colorful picture in their hand. The colors don't match, in fact they are not even in the lines, but that doesn't steal from the proud look on the child's face. Woe to the parent who ignores that child and pushes them aside for other less "more important" tasks! All that child wants is a little recognition for their accomplishments. Your heavenly Father
has the same desire. He longs to be recognized for is work. My wife and I before we fall asleep at night, the last thing we do is pay our Father recognition for all He has done for us that day. He deserves it. He is marvelous and great!

Take some time for prayer today. Not just in your "prayer time", but all day insert God through your prayers. Invite Him to live the day with you. Prayer is simple, yet prayer is so very powerful. If I could encourage you in one word today: Pray. - Daniel

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