The Path of Life

12:00 PM

Recently I read Psalm 16:7-9, "I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons..  I have set the Lord always before me: because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.  Therefore my heart is glad, and my soul rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope."

I began to meditate and study these verses. (My favorite way to study right now is with my Bible, Journal, and Ipod.  Now before you jump on me for using electronics, I must explain.  There's nothing like having a Bible, Greek Lexicon, and concordance in one little device as small as my phone!  It's especially wonderful for the car!)  The verse says, "my reins also instruct me in the night seasons."  Reins?  What could reins be?  May I suggest standards, commitments, or desicions?  My decisions to do what is right instruct me in the "night seasons,"  those times when I don't understand why something is happening.  The times when I don't understand why, I ought to stand by the standards, decisions, and commitments I've previously made. 

I've had a time like this recently... Several months ago, we found out that our team wasn't leaving the country till June.  When my husband first told me this, I had a really hard time.  I'd already been looking forward to leaving in April for months.  I'd been "holding on" to April first for a long time... waiting for that day... and now, it wasn't coming.  I guess I could have been rebellious and left for Peru on April 1st, regardless of what any of my authorities said (as dumb as that sounds) .... but because when I was young, I set up standards and commitments to obey my authorities, I chose to accept what my authorities said.  I made the decision to "always set the Lord before me," (vs. 8) trusting Him regardless of how I felt. I can truly say that although I may not understand now, I know that God has a plan in all of this- His timing is so much better than mine! So I can say with David, "my heart is glad, and my soul rejoiceth." I am "resting in hope" as David said.  Hope in what?  Hope in that God is my all wise Father, and He's taken perfect care of my since the day I was born.  Hope in that He's proved Himself to be faithful every day of my life, and I can have hope (confidence, security, assurance) in what He will do in my future.  

Do you know how chapter 16 ends?  With one of my favorite verses of all time... and it ties these verses to an end perfectly:  Ps. 16:11-"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures forevermore." 

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