Spring Work!

8:33 AM

There's just something about Spring Break that makes you want to change something, clean, remodel, or do  something different, right?  Maybe it's the fact that my in-laws completely redid their kitchen, or maybe it's because we're just ready to have our own house, but something inspired my husband last week that we should re-do his sister's bedroom.  She's off at college, but we wanted to do something nice for her, so we decided to paint her room!  This did include redoing her dresser and desk but we took on the challenge.  

Of course it went off exactly as planned, no accidents, no spilled paint, no messes!  Okay, maybe not..... I guess if you count only once that the dog got into the paint..... and walked all over the room with bright blue paws....and through the hallway....and into the kitchen.... it wouldn't sound so bad, right?  Unless you saw me scrubbing the floors that is.  :)

Of course when my husband and mom had painted the kitchen cabinets, we wouldn't have left them out on the porch overnight... only to wake up in the middle of pouring rain and a horrible storm to realize our cabinets were soaked!

Of course my husband remembered to shut the moon roof on our car the same night it poured and poured rain! 

And of course when I was cleaning up after we had almost finished everything, I wouldn't have carried the tarp over my head to knock the paint pan onto the floor....allowing the paint to spill everywhere.... let's just say I got very acquainted with the carpet that day....
But through it all, we prevailed!  Here are a few pics!  Enjoy! 

The dresser and desk- before

The white walls- before :) 

The dresser- after

The new look

After thing were put back :)

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