Full Joy

10:50 AM

Yesterday, while making supper in the kitchen, I found myself singing, "This is my commandment, that ye love one another that your joy may be full."  It was a little song I learned as a young child, and while I was singing it, it hit me.... the reason God tells us to love one another, is for a purpose that I had sung over and over again, "that your joy may be full!"
I began to think of all the things God has commanded us to do.  Although I've heard it taught before, all of a sudden I realized that God gives us His commandments because He knows what will make us happy. He wants us to follow His commandments that we might know true joy.  
I thought about things He has asked me to do in the past, such as leave my home country to live in Peru for 6 months in 2006.  When my Dad first asked me if I wanted to go, I blatantly stated, "NO!"  After a while God worked on my heart, and I decided to go.  But after living in Peru several months, the Lord taught me that sometimes what He wants for my life is what I enjoy and even love.  He wants to show me the path of life, for in it is fullness of joy.  I actually had a BLAST in Peru in 2006, and left my heart there.  I loved it SO bad that I wanted to go back.  By following His plan for my life, I am once again living in Peru. And I am a very happy and joyful person!
Why is it that we hestitate when God tells us to do something?  As if we think we can know and do better than the Almighty God of this universe? His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways.  So are we going to trust ourselves?  Or the one who knows how to make us full of joy?
Knowing the loving hand of God is guiding my way, making my joy full is one of the best treasures for which a girl could ask!  If I choose to keep His commandments and follow in His steps, He will give me full joy!

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