Welcome to Peru!

8:39 PM

Ever wondered why missionaries leave for the field, and it seems as if they fall off the planet????  I no longer wonder.  We have been busy every moment since we have arrived here in Lima!  I never knew so much went into renting an apartment, starting life in a foreign country, learning a new culture, switching from Mexican Spanish to Peruvian Spanish, and adjusting to a whole new life!  Okay, maybe I did know there would be a few slight changes... but I forgot how different it is living in a 3rd world country!
My first few days here in Lima, I couldn't get over how dirty everything is!  We're in the dessert here, so if you want something to be green you plant it and care for it very well.  There is dirt and dust everywhere, exaust smoke from the hundreds of combies (vans that people use for transportation) and new smells at every turn. (Not always the best, I might add.)  I have a new appreciation for Jesus washing the disciples feet, and have been trying to figure out how to clean our shoes so the least amount of dirt possibly makes its home on my tile floors!  A quick overview of our lives these past few weeks:
The day after we arrived, we went with the men from our team to look at church property.  We found a great location in a small building on a corner in Chorillos, and that weekend started evangelizing and having church with the Peruvian people.  My favorite part about it (Selfishness alert!!!) was that we got to be a part of the first day at our church.  I was tickled pink to be the first one to clean the bathroom for God, before we even knew where our home would be.
On July 13th, we moved into our apartment!  We were thrilled!  This is Dan and my first home and we are loving it! We have been using every spare moment (that we are not meeting or working with the Team) painting, fixing up, shopping for furniture or dishes, learning to cook, cleaning, and discovering Peruvian life! Here are a few pictures of our new place: 

Our apartment is on the second floor of this home.  It is beautiful! 

Our new furniture and living room

Dining room table 

My beautiful kitchen!  

Some fresh fruit and veggies I bought at market one day 

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